"Legs didn't feel fatigued from yesterday's long run as much as they just didn't have any go juice. Didn't like that I was going slow, but also had no will to pick it up."
Fortunately, the goal of yesterday's run was just miles on the legs. I absolutely appreciate the necessity of relaxed runs, especially after something of an injury scare, so if it means my pace is a little slower than I'd like, so be it.
Of course, it did make me go back and look at the exact paces I was running at the end of August when I re-started the madness. As it turns out, my "long" run pace even just over a month ago was slower than yesterday and a couple of miles shorter. Not bad considering it was the day after a solid 90min long run with some fast-paced pick-ups mixed in.
Overall, I'm really happy with how my body is responding. I wasn't sure it would handle running on top of 2+ hours of hiking every day. I don't exactly have a body that was made for running. Never have. But things are really going great and I'm hoping my mind doesn't get the best of me when I finally get racing!