Monday, February 23, 2015

Taking the next step

I refuse to be disappointed by last weekend's half marathon finish. After all, it was my first. And I finished. I finished with a pretty decent time in my pocket, at that. But... it could have been better.

As I mentioned in my race report, the last month or so of training leading up to race day was lackluster. I had a couple of key workout fails (one physical, one mental, both long runs) and wasn't getting the feedback I needed to feel like things were going to be okay. I had no race plan. I didn't even have a goal race pace. I was going in a bit blind on a distance that was completely foreign to me (no, I didn't hit the distance in training) and confidence was low. Very, very low.

I have several people to thank for keeping my spirits up and reminding me almost daily that all would be okay come race day, regardless of what my finish time might end up being, but one person in particular was key in getting me to that start line: Erin.

I've known Erin for about 25 years now. She was kicking my ass back then and will continue to for the rest of our lives - she finished 2nd female overall at the First Half and I know that's just the tip of the iceberg for her this year. Although she's always had my number as far as race results go, we have very similar running stories from our failings as teen-aged runners to our anxieties as adult runners. She understands what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling in ways may people won't, simply because they've never experienced what we have and do.

After a little post-race discussion, Erin and I agreed that training under her and her coach, Matt, of West Coast Endurance was the perfect next step for my running. I'm absolutely thrilled to be working with people that not only really believe in me, but are there for me every step of the way. Their support is confidence-building in itself.

And so, the journey continues with a new start. I'm stoked!

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